World of Warcraft kører stadig derudad, og tidligere på året ankom World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, der i starten lod til at tilfredsstille mange af spillets hårdkogte fans. Men dog tyder noget på at mange er trætte af den måde Blizzard gebærder sig på, og dette er kulmineret i en længere diskussion om spillets tilstand.
Det hele startede ovre på Reddit, hvor brugeren "alizbee" siger at det spil han/hun elskede en gang er blevet til ét stort kasino.
"I wasn't logging on to earn or buy loot boxes. I didn't finish a dungeon and hope that whatever the final boss dropped would not only be the thing I wanted, but also titanforge into a super-powered version of the thing I wanted. I didn't log on so I could fill a bar - though there were plenty of bars to fill. I didn't play so I could gather some random source of power that would inevitably fade into irrelevance as soon as some goblin miner discovered a new random source of power. I didn't show up to race through dungeons or to replace pieces of gear every other day with gear that was marginally better (or worse) than what I was wearing."
"In fact, I think I wore the same robe for 2 years during classic WoW. I only replaced it after The Burning Crusade released. I didn't log on just so I could tab-out to third-party websites because they were the only way to find out if I had the right talents, the right gear, or to simulate numbers with the gear I did have. I didn't pay $15 a month to earn a score from a third-party so I could participate in the game with other people who valued my random score over my experience playing the game.
"I played World of Warcraft because just being in Azeroth with a few friends was good enough."
Men det er jo bare én vred fan, så hvad betyder det? Jo, det tyder på at alizbee har remt en nerve hos spillerbasen, for indlægget blev lynhurtigt upvoted mange, mange tusinde gange, og er lige nu den mest populære tråd på forummet, og rigtig mange spillere er trådt til og har delt deres lignende bekymringer.