Vores egen Mike Holmes fik sig en god, lang snak med Rami Ismail der nok bedst er kendt som halvdelen af super-indieudvikleren Vlambeer, der har stået for hits som Luftrausers, Ridiculous Fishing, Super Crate Box og det kommende Nuclear Throne.
I interviewet kom snakken bland andet ind på deres forhold til Sony og gigantens indsats på indie-markedet:
"We worked with them on Super Crate Box mobile and we had a good experience with them. So we were visiting London and Shahid and us ended up talking a bit, and we were actually in a pretty similar situation to here [we're sitting in a beer garden], and he asked us if we had any other games, so we said we were working on an airplane game called Luftrausers. So he said "Ok" and he grabbed a coaster and he started writing the name of the game on the coaster, and he said "what do you need?" "Well, we haven't really thought about it, but yeah, sure, how about we want some marketing and we want some of this and some of that, and we want a PlayStation dev kit and a PlayStation Vita dev kit. And he just wrote all the things down and then he said: "And I want Luftrausers". We were like "Ok" and then he said "sign here". So we signed the game on a coaster, and then when I got back the dev kits were already there and we got the full contract to sign.
Andetsteds fortæller Rami også hvor han ser Nintendo lige nu:
"We've been talking to them about getting our games on their platform, and we might actually be pretty close to seriously talking about that, but it's a weird situation to realise that Nintendo still looks at the world the way it was five years ago..."
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