Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Vi tog en snak med Full Kareta og DataspelHAHA efter vores CS:GO-finale

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For nylig løb den store finale i den anden sæson af vores Counter-Strike: Global Offensive-liga af stablen, og her tog Full Kareta den endelige sejr efter at have knust modstanderne DataspelHAHA. Vi tog derefter en snak med begge hold, for at høre deres reaktioner.

Full Kareta sagde:

"I'd say the toughest opponent in the league was DataspelHAHA. I think that's because both me and Vaskan have been playing in earlier, past teams with these guys, and we pretty much have the same play style, I imagine,"

"Our key to success as a team has been focusing on communication, working as a team, and just gaming hard, so right now our main focus is to find a full working vibe again."


Vi snakkede også med DataspelHAHA's kaptajn, Scruul, om konkurrence generelt, og han sagde at de har forsøgt at agere som glade amatører.

"It's been just practicing like normally. Our training has had its ups and downs."

"Our toughest opponent actually was Full Kareta, but we had two different players back then," Scruul said when talking about facing their final opponents earlier on in the league.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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