Exodus blev fremvist ved sidste års Game Awards, og udvikles af både Archetype Entertainment og Certain Affinity. Det er en Mass Effect-lignende rumopera, der også låner masser af inspiration fra Interstellar, og derfor er det også passende at Matthew McConaughey medvirker som en af de centrale karakterer.
Men hvis du tror at han er med i fem minutter, for så at fordufte, så tager du gruelig fejl, for han spiller angiveligt en så afgørende rolle, at han er med i meget af spillet. I en ny Q&A bekræfter producer Chad Robertson dette:
"I think the coolest thing is the number of theories we've seen pop up about how Matthew plays a role in our game. Ultimate, his usage in the game, we think, is going to surprise a lot of people in a very exciting way. Matthew's role in the game is a really important one. [His] character will have a big presence in the game, from the very start until the very end, and the epilogue of the game. He's just doing some amazing work so far, and we love that he's on the team. There's also a twist with his character, of course, because you know how much we love twists."
Exodus udkommer til PC, PS5 og Xbox Series, men det vides ikke hvornår.