
TSM Fortnite-spiller uddyber grundlaget for en fagforening

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Vi rapporterede for kort tid siden om en større kontroveres på esports-scenen efter, at Boom Box blev introduceret under World Showdown konkurrencen. TSM spilleren Ali "Myth" Kabbani har været en af de størtste kritikere af initiativet og anklager Epic for direkte "trolling" med sin fanbase. Nu har Mytthpå et stream, klargørt sine idéer for en réel spillerfagforening.

"I think people got the wrong impression as to what it's for. I don't want to influence Epic's decisions when it comes to how they want to run or develop their game.

"At the end of the day, I know we don't have any control over that. I think their lack of communication is daunting, and that's really all I want to address with this union."

"What is the reasoning behind them dropping a patch days before patch day, or right before tournaments? The fact that there is no communication from Epic on these things is f***ing scary."


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ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Sebastian R. Sørensen

98% af jordens befolkning er forsvundet her henover sommeren, og du kan læse med i det følgende, og lære hvordan vores hånd-tamme forsker Sebastian har grebet den situation an i spillet Fortnite.

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