Little Big Planet

Tidligere PlayStation-chef forklarer hvorfor LittleBigPlanet var den mest imponerende pitch nogensinde

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Da PlayStation 3-konsollen blev lanceret skete det sammen med platformspillet Little Big Planet, og både spillet og den lille hovedperson Sackboy blev hurtigt ikonisk for PlayStation-platformen generelt, selvom det tyder på at der kommer til at gå lang tid før vi ser ham igen.

For nylig satte IGN sig ned med daværende PlayStation-chef og nu Google VP, Phil Harrison, for at tale om dengang konsollen skulle lanceres, og han husker at den pitch som Media Molecule-folkene Alex Evans og Mark Healey gav ham for spillet. Faktisk mener han at det er den vildeste pitch nogensinde.

"There's a few stories to it. First of all, that whole thing came about because a guy who worked for me, called Pete Hawley, spent a lot of time in a pub in Guildford with Alex [Evans] and Mark [Healey] from Lionhead and, persuading them over many pints of beer, over many, many months, about leaving and starting their own company [Media Molecule], funded by Sony.

"They were eventually persuaded to do that. They set up, we funded them, and they came back in to do their first pitch of the game, which is, to this day, the greatest game pitch I have ever seen in my life. And it is not the game you ended up playing, it was a very different kind of experience."

"To give you an insight into how Alex, in particular, works; rather than use PowerPoint, which is what everyone else on the planet at that time used to communicate an idea, he wrote his own interactive version of PowerPoint so that the game was playable through the presentation. It was just mindblowing! That told me enough about the way they think, and the way that they want to innovate, and the way they want to challenge conventions."

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Little Big Planet

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