11 bit studios og Fool's Theory har meddelt, at det kommende strategi-rollespil The Thaumaturge er blevet rykket fra en planlagt udgivelse den 5. december til 20. februar 2024.
I en pressemeddelelse som vi har modtaget står der:
"Mastering the mystic arts is an ambitious undertaking, and equally so is game development when you refuse to compromise on quality. With this in mind, 11 bit studios and Fool's Theory have mutually decided to give The Thaumaturge some additional time in development to achieve the standards that players have come to expect from them."
"Recently announced for a December 5th release, The Thaumaturge will now launch on February 20th, 2024 on PC. As the finishing touches were put on the game over recent weeks, the team saw the opportunity to add more polish and quality, and given they have the comfort to allow themselves some extra time the decision was made to delay."
Det er selvfølgelig altid ærgerligt, når et spil bliver udskudt, men det er på den anden side dejligt at se, at Fool's Theory og 11 bit studios ikke falder i den samme grøft som flere andre for tiden, ved at udgive spil der ikke er færdige.
Se gameplay fra The Thaumaturge nedenfor, der udkommer til PC til februar, mens en version til Xbox Series X/S og PlayStation 5, kommer på et senere, endnu ikkeannonceret tidspunkt.