Det populære rolle/strategispil The Banner Saga 2, som allerede er ude på PC'en, kommer nu også til konsollerne. Det har Stoic, som er udvikleren bag spillet, fortalt i en pressemeddelelse her til eftermiddag dansk tid.
"We are happy that we were able to create a development schedule where the console version of The Banner Saga 2 could come out shortly after the PC version," said John Watson, Technical Director at Stoic. "Although our team size dictated what we could do with the first release, we knew that a two year wait for the sequel was just not acceptable, so we worked extremely hard to ensure that console gamers could continue their journey in a timely fashion. Our goal for The Banner Saga 3 is to simultaneously ship on all platforms!"
Pressemeddelelsen nævner også The Banner Saga 3, så man må sige at Stoic satser på det populære spil. Traileren kan ses her, hvis man skulle være blevet fristet.