Vi har tidligere fortalt hvordan MMO'et Tera sagtens kunne fungere som et friskt pust til alle de som for længst er kørt fast i MMO-genren. Grafikken er smuk og kampsystemet et af de bedste i genren, og nu er der endda mere indhold på vej.
Tera: Rising er navnet på den nyeste udvidelse og udvikleren selv nævner følgende som nyheder du kan se frem til:
• Type: 10-player co-op adventure
• Key features: Discover twisted new enemies, new bosses, and unique game mechanics in a castle of wonder.
• Description: A lethally whimsical castle that appeared from nowhere has drawn researchers from across the land. Unfortunately, the Bandersnatch, ruler of Wonderholme, has taken the head researcher hostage, and the Mysterium Council is offering a substantial reward for her rescue.
• Type: 3-player sewer mission
• Key features: Fight fiendish traps and monsters through the underground tunnels and uncover the hidden treasures of the Channelworks.
• Description: Deep beneath the Veritas District, a series of aqueducts maintained by automatons supply water to the western deserts of the world of TERA. The Channelworks has been invaded by violent monsters, and the automatons are powerless to stop it.
Kezzel's Gorge
• Type: 7-player tower defense
• Key features: Race against the clock to stop the giant using an assortment of environmental traps.
• Description: Shipments passing through the forests of Frontera are falling afoul of a brutal giant with a taste for magical ore. As wagon after wagon disappears down the giant's gullet, the caravan leader calls for help.
Shattered Fleet
• Type: 5-player BAM beatdown
• Key features: Defeat BAMs on a series of wrecked, unstable ships; defeat Barbosa and his crew to recover the cargo and claim rare drops and Zenith treasure chests.
• Description: The federation's latest noctenium shipment has run aground off the Jagged Coast, and the rescue party's last report mentioned BAM sightings aboard the derelict ships.
Det hele skulle være klar til download den 10. september, og indtil da kan du nyde denne nye bunke billeder.