Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare

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PopCap Games har netop meddelt, at de har udsendt Suburbination Pack til Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare,
der byder på en masse nye features og forbedringer, kvit og frit. Der er blandt andet en ny bane kaldet Crash Course, en ny figur kaldet Plasma Pea Shooter, nye Garden Ops-missioner og en ny spiltype. Se alle detaljerne nedenfor.

Major Features:

• New Team Vanquish/Garden Ops Maps - Crash Course Day, and Crash CourseNight
- Zombies have crash-landed onto the prestigious Bogey Hills Golf Course. Equal parts idyllic greens and flaming Zomboss wreck, Crash Course provides new opportunities forplayers to work on their swing, improve their putting skills, and take down the Zombie horde.
• New Game Mode - Suburbination
- The Plant and Zombie teams are locked in an epic tug-of-war as they fight for tactical control overthree hotly contested gardens. In this take on the classic domination-style game mode, it's Suburbinate or be Suburbinated!
• New Character - Plasma Pea Shooter
- Winner of our Pea Shooter design contest on Facebook: You voted for Lefran Estera's design, and now it's in the game! Equipped with a three-stage charge weapon, the Plasma Pea Shooter can shoot rapid-fire plasma balls, super-explosive galaxies, and more!
• New Garden Ops Boss - Baron von Bats
- Battle the elusive Baron von Bats and his vampire minions! The Baron has been taking a dirt nap,waiting for the right opportunity to ruin Crazy Dave's day. Team up with some friends, and you might have a chance at victory. If you can catch him, that is.
• New Garden Ops Missions:
- Treasure Yeti - Can you take down the crafty Treasure Yeti and steal his bag of diamonds? Can you avoid the Yeti Imp's icy blast? So many questions!
- Vasebreaker - Break the vases and collect loot before time runs out. But watch out, something elsemay be lurking inside those vases...
- Minigardens - Protect the wee gardens from hungry Zombies!
• New Customization - Bling Packs
- Purchase new stickerpacks and collect nearly 400 silver-dipped, gold-plated, diamond-encrusted, and royal versions of your favorite hats, glasses, and more!
• Bonus Gardens
- Keep on the look out for Bonus Gardens to defend in Garden Ops, they now drop treasure after everywave!
PC Queue System
- Added a PC Queue system to better help play with friends... Now you can always invite a friend into your session and they will enter a queue to join as soon as a slot opens up.

Bugs Fixes and Tuning:

• The RV Icon now disappears when players are in the extraction zone.
• The Engineer now taunts before building a teleporter in Garden Ops.
• Fixed an issue where the Imp wasn't displaying a tell beforeexploding.
• The Daisy Turret's sundrops now spawn from a randomized position.
• Fixed numerous issues where AI didn't always count towards vanquishchallenges.
• Crazy Dave's vocabulary has been expanded!
• Garden Ops bonus garden improvements:
• The Bonus Garden UI icon now flashes.
• The Bonus Garden has a sparkly new gold finish.
• A new Conehead special wave has been added to Garden Ops.
• Deployable objects (Tallnuts, Potato Mines, etc.) can now be droppedin shallow water.
• Fixed an inconsistency with the Gargantuar's running speed in GardenOps.
• Fixed an issue with the scoreboard getting stuck on screen during theSuburbia mini-game.
• In the Welcome Mat playlist, players would retain their health boostafter manually respawning. This is no longer the case.
• Fixed an issue where AI would occasionally face the wrong way whilejumping.
• Fixed an issue where players were unable to view the scoreboard whilein Boss Mode.
• The Vanquish Confirmed orb VFX would occasionally bemisaligned when picked up. This has been fixed.
• When a Drone is destroyed, the player's camera could end up outside ofthe map. This issue has been fixed.
• PC Specific - Fixed an issue where the Pea Shooter and Sunflower'srooted ammo bar would disappear when they still had ammo remaining.
• PC Specific - Fixed an issue where selecting "ToggleMute All" would sometimes result in other players still being able to hear you.
• PC Specific - In a Garden Ops lobby, blocked players were still ableto communicate with the player who blocked them. This is no longer possible.

Here is the first trailer for Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare - Surburbination that shows some of the new features we can look forward to.

Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare

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Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Jonas Mäki

PopCaps megapopulære tower defense-spil har taget springet over til actiongenren med dødskampe for 24 spillere. Vi tester om det kan matche originalen.

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