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      Aliens: Colonial Marines

      Stjal Gearbox fra Segas Aliens-spil?

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      Ordkrigen om fadæsen Aliens: Colonial Marines fortsætter, da en person, der påstår at være tidligere Sega-ansat, siger at Gearbox stjal Segas penge for at gøre Duke Nukem forever og Borderlands færdigt, skriver Destructoid (der også siger, at de har verificeret hvem personen er).

      "Gearbox stole from Sega, they robbed us, lied to us about the game, and tried to get another company to make the game instead", siger vedkommende.

      Han fortsætter:

      "Pitchford and Gearbox wanted to focus heavily on Duke Nukem Forever, but how would they get the money to hire some of the 3D Realms team and even buy the intellectual property? Sure, they made a lot from Borderlands, but guess where they got the money to fund Borderlands in the first place? Yup, Sega."

      "So Gearbox essentially lied to Sega, mishandled funds, broke agreements and contractual obligations to work on other projects, didn't want to work on a game they were contractually obligated to work on and gave it to another team, poor organization and direction on ACM, took on too many projects from different companies at once, and other things that we may not even know about. Hell, part of me believes that Gearbox wanted this thing delayed as much as possible so they can get more funding money to embezzle from Sega."

      Angående spørgsmålet om, hvad Sega burde have gjort i stedet for at udgive spillet, siger han således:

      "I strongly believe that Sega should not have released the game and made the fans pay for it, they should have taken Gearbox straight to court, because they stole money from us to fund Borderlands and Duke Nukem Forever."

      Aliens: Colonial Marines

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