"Curse you Bayle!" Hvis du har spillet Elden Rings Shadow of the Erdtree-udvidelse, eller hvis du har været aktiv på sociale medier de seneste par uger, har du nok hørt denne skrigende linje fra Igon, en NPC, hvis hele personlighed er bygget op på at hade og foragte Bayle the Dread.
I en samtale med IGN, fortæller Richard Lintern, der lægger stemme til Igon, om sin mangel på erfaring inden for gaming. Elden Ring var hans første rolle i et videospil, og på hans første dag mødte han Hidetaka Miyazaki, hjernen bag det hele.
"We shook hands, but he largely didn't communicate with me in English. Other people did...a man called Adam Chapman," Lintern recalled. "I had not heard of Mr. Miyazaki before. I didn't know the game, and I didn't know the status of the game, and I didn't know his status. But when I walked into the room, his status was very clear, very clear immediately."
"Everyone was very friendly, but at the same time, I could see that this was a bigger deal than I'd imagined it was going to be," Lintern said. As he recorded more in the studio, Lintern found his eyes were opened to the experiences offered by video games such as Elden Ring.
"The attention to detail that was given to the character and the performance was pretty much greater than anything I've experienced before. Comparable with characters in Shakespeare that I've played and stuff. People were taking it extremely seriously."