Starlink: Battle for Atlas

Starlink: Battle for Atlas-verdenen er større end stort set alle andre Ubisoft-verdener

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Starlink: Battle for Atlas ankommer senere på måneden, og står til at blive et markant anderledes spil end andre som Ubisoft udgiver. Alligevel har spillet naturligvis ét element, som alt tyder på at Ubisoft insisterer på skal være en del af deres portfolie - en åben verden.

Men angiveligvis er Starlinks verden særligt stor, for her udforsker du et helt solsystem. I et interview med Gadgets360 fortæller Jesse Knapp, spillets designer, at verdenen faktisk er en del større end i de fleste Ubisoft-spil.

"In terms of the size of Starlink, the square footage is bigger than most open-world games that Ubisoft makes. Space is really, really, really, really, really, really big! That was one of the things we learned early on. One of the things we always looked at with Starlink was, 'How do we balance authenticity and realism with what needs to be a fun game to play, in a reasonable session time?'"

"We looked a lot at scale, the distance between planets, the size of those planets, and we really tried to find the right balance for this game. To keep things feeling big enough that you can lose yourself in that experience, and not worry too much about the scale, but small enough that you don't have to worry about the scale because there's always something to do and interesting things to interact with."

Starlink: Battle for Atlas ankommer d. 16 oktober.

Starlink: Battle for Atlas

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Starlink: Battle for Atlas

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Magnus Groth-Andersen

Ubisoft kaster sig hovedkuls ud i toys-to-life med et spil hvor du skifter dele ud på dit rumskib. Spørgsmålet er så bare om det er sjovt.

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