Star Citizen

Star Citizen-udvikler lover at spillet ikke er tomme løfter

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Star Citizen er et uhyre ambitiøst spilprojekt, andet kan man ikke sige, men samtidig er der efterhånden en god portion der mistænker udvikleren Cloud Imperium Games for enten at blive ved med at tilføje features, og derigennem ikke færdiggøre eksisterende projekter, eller simpelthen at trække den alt, alt for længe.

Det er rigtigt at en række afgørende milepæle er blevet udskudt igen og igen, deriblandt singleplayer-delen Squadron 42, men instruktør Christopher Roberts lover dog at spillet ikke er nogen "pipe dream".

For nylig dukkede han op på spillets forum, og slog blandt andet fast at selvom det tager dem længere tid, så vil de blive færdige, og at det ikke vil tage over et årti.

"We are just going for a higher level of systemic gameplay (versus scripted) than most if not all games, and to architect all of this so it works in multiplayer at scale is no small feat. I sense from your reply to me that it's the time taken and priorities that you're frustrated with, as you feel like we're focusing on the wrong things. I can see that point of view, but you're looking at it from the outside without the full knowledge of exactly what it will take, and the order it needs to be done in to deliver the gameplay that will set Star Citizen apart from everything else."

"This is the game I've dreamed of my whole life. Now I am in a position to realize it, I am not willing to compromise it's potential because it is taking longer than I originally envisioned. What I will commit to, and what is an internal priority is to improve the current gameplay and quality of life as we go, as Star Citizen is already fun in many ways, even if more buggy and not as stable as I would like, and just finishing off and polishing the basics will make it play as well or better than most other games. I can promise you the gameplay I described is not a pipe dream, nor will it take 10 to 20 years to deliver. I described systems we either have working or are working on."

Star Citizen

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