
Spider-Mans afgørende boss-kamp blev skaleret ned for at undgå overarbejde

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At designe boss-kampe kan være svært, og det kræver ressourcer og tid, men studiet Insomniac har længe forsøgt for alt i verden at undgå systematisk overarbejde, så derfor gik de anderledes til værks, da de skulle udvikle den sidste boss-kamp i Spider-Man.

I et interview ved Fireside Chat (via GamesIndustry) fortæller instruktør og Insomniac-chef Ted Price, at han opfordrede udviklerne til at designe kampen indenfor rimelighedens grænse:

"Originally, we were going to have a boss battle that took you all over New York City, and it was way out of scope. The temptation is to just brute force it, put our heads down and run through the brick wall. But the team took a step back and thought about what was important to the players, and that was the breakdown of the relationship between Peter and his former mentor, Doctor Octavious. This permission to be creative within restraints needs to come from the leaders, who set the tone for the project. I see this in action, and it's incredible when it works, but it takes constant repetition because I think we default to old habits. This process is the ideal. Does it happen all the time? Absolutely not. In the stress of hectic production, we often feel we can't take our foot off the gas pedal, but that's often what it takes. The team needs to have permission to pause and come up with a better way, instead of bulldozing through the problems and causing potential health problems."

Det endte med at være en lidt mindre kamp, og det er måske den slags kompromisser der skal til?


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ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Magnus Groth-Andersen

Ventetiden er endelig forbi, og Insomniac Games' mest ambitiøse spil til dato står for døren. Vi har anmeldt det ultimative Spider-Man-spil.

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