Super Smash Bros. Melee

Smash Bros.-spiller får hjertetilfælde under turnering

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* Påkrævet felt

Det er blevet rapporteret af PVP Live, at en deltager i Beast 7 Super Smag Bros. Tournament i Göteborg fik et hjertetilfælde under en kamp, og måtte blive flyttet til et hospital.

Splyces Michael Brancato har skrevet via Twitter:

"The scene at Beast is surreal. Someone's heart stopped and was taken to the hospital. Please send your best wishes, everyone."

Elevate-spilleren Mr. R har også skrevet:

"Never seen anything like this, apparently his heart stopped during a tournament match. Super weird vibe in the venue atm, hope it ends well."

Holdet har sidenhen sluppet følgende meddelelse:

"Today we witnessed a very traumatic situation at Beast 7. A competitor and friend to many of us suffered from a cardiac arrest. Ambulances was called to the venue immediately and CPR was exerted by a medical student. The tournament was on hold for about an hour as many were shocked and the staff tried to handle the situation the best we could."

"Due to hospital policies we don't have any information how the affected person is doing. But we hope and pray that everything is going to be alright. We also wanna take the opportunity to thank all of the people who was there, helped out and gave the paramedics the space they needed."

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Photo: Beast

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