For nylig afslørede udvikleren Ebb Software, at de nu har skubbet deres ellers ret imponerende gyserspil, Scorn, til 2022. Det skete via et blogindlæg fra instruktør Ljubomir Peklar på Kickstarter, og mange undrede sig efterfølgende over hvorfor hans tone i det indlæg var så fjendtligt.
Blandt andet sammenligner han med Cyberpunk 2077, og siger følgende:
"Cyberpunk 2077 should've been delayed for a year, but the hype and the pressure from shareholders were more important. Maybe if they didn't push their developers to create marketing content they could've put more time into fixing the game."
Desuden var Peklar ikke bleg for faktisk at give forbrugerne, dem der har støttet deres Kickstarter-kampagne, lidt gode råd med på vejen:
"And for the end, a bit of friendly advice. If lack of communication is so bothersome just ask for a refund and be done with it. It's just a game. You can play it when it's out if you are still interested."
Det blev der naturligvis ikke taget godt imod, og Peklar har nu officielt sagt undskyld:
"Reading through again it was clear that the hostile tone it was written in should not be how we should express ideas or plans to people that help us out. We may be tired, confused, and frustrated at our own ineptitude, but there is no reason to lash out at you. For that, I personally apologise. I will do my best for this kind of outburst not to happen again."