Efter næsten et årtis udvikling ankommer Scorn på PC og Xbox (via Game Pass) i slutningen af oktober måned, og i den anledning har udvikler Ebb Software svaret på en række spørgsmål omkring spillet i en AMA på Reddit.
Her har de blandt andet slået fast, at Scorn cirka er 6-8 timer langt:
"Somewhere between six to eight hours, but it can take much more if you explore the world and all the details it contains".
Desuden slår de også fast, at de har designet Scorn til at være et puslespil, og er som sådan ikke et skydespil:
"Scorn is not a first person shooter, it is an immersive atmospheric horror experience. To emphasize this, puzzles within the game form an integral part of the story, and are designed not to feel like they were added as an afterthought. They enrich the player experience, and as the game progresses, it becomes apparent that everything seems to have a reason and a purpose... and the big mystery is uncovering what that is. Yet there are shooting elements that come into play later in the game and are crucial for players' survival."