Vores dækning af Fun & Serious 2020-eventet bragte os i samtale med Marc Merrill, der er medstifter af Riot Games. Under vores interview, spurgte vi ind til fremtiden for Valorant, og hvilke planer Riot har for fremtiden. Merril svarede:
"Solidifying the fundamentals, a lot of the focus is going to be on that. You know, ensuring the game is great at what it's trying to do, in terms of gameplay, in terms of content, in terms of features and the round game experience, and then in terms of the social and competitive ecosystem. We're really trying to build up the foundation to enable long-term growth and investment and success."
Merrill understregede, hvor vigtigt det er for dem, at de bliver ved med at udvikle forholdet til deres fans.
"Communities, they take... it's an aspect of nurturing," siger han og fortsætter: "There's cultivation and it's a symbiotic relationship where it's not just the company or the developer who grows the community, it's about players also. We need to continue to deepen our relationship with the community, and that's going to be a huge focus for us in 2021."
Du kan se hele interviewet i videoen ovenfor.