Ved 2020 Fun & Serious eventet, der i år er digitalt, fik vi muligheden for at snakke med medstifter af Riot Games Marc Merrill. Vi fik mulighed for at snakke om League of Legends, Valorant og esports. Under interviewet fik vi også mulighed for at høre lidt om Riots planer for fremtiden.
"2020 was a huge challenge for us because we were launching a lot of games, which was a new big challenge for the company and we needed to pivot to do remote work and what not. Next year, we have some new things coming, in terms of our Forge titles coming out as well as our animated series, but a lot of next year is also going to be about investing and insuring all of the games we've launched and are launching, and that we're doing a great job across the board.
I think a lot of our focus next year is just going to be optimisation and connection with our audience, and just sort of taking a state of where we are and then helping to inform what we are going to be doing in the future. But, there is always tons of stuff that is making progress and that we can't wait to tell players about as well."
Du kan se hele interviewet med Marc Merril ovenfor.