Er du lidt af en Rayman fan?. Så er der ingen tvivl om at du bør slå et smut forbi Ubi Soft’s stort opsatte site til den lille fyr. Her finder du alt du har brug for at vide om spillet i form af informationer, screenshots, wallpapers osv.
Fra Ubi Soft forlyder der følgende:
"Today, Rayman gets a Web site that matches his personality - friendly and fun, with lots of action, edge, humor. The site, like Rayman's tripped-out universe, boasts a rollicking soundtrack, intense visuals, and plenty of detail," said Mona Hamilton, group brand manager for Ubi Soft Entertainment. "Fans have been clamoring for the full story on the new game, and now they can find all of the best stuff in one place."
Du kan besøge sitet her: Rayman 3 site