Quantum Break

Quantum Break er over 10 timer langt

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Quantum Break er uden tvivl et af de spil vi glæder os mest til på Xbox One, hvilket ikke mindst skyldes at det er de fantastik dygtige udviklere hos Remedy Software der står bag det. I et nyt interview med Develop fortæller udvikleren nu at man forventer mere end ti timers spilletid, samt at inspirationen fra tv-verdenen har været stor:

"It was during that time that the big series started to come out with HBO and whatnot, Lost for instance was one where people were buying the boxsets, and then watching the episodes at their own pace. Some are binging through it, some are watching one a day, some are watching one every other day or once a week, but all at their own pace."

"The great thing about it was each episode had its own three act structure and ended on a cliffhanger, which kind of prodded you on to see what happened next. Sam got the idea from that, that this would be a fantastic fit for a video game, especially a video game that has very strong narrative, because we're telling the story over ten plus hours."

Mere end ti timer og masser af mystik - tag vores penge Remedy, bare tag dem!

Quantum Break
Quantum Break

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Quantum Break

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Sebastian R. Sørensen

I en slipstrøm af krudtrøg, tidrejser og storslående historiefortælling er Sebastian netop suset ind fra fremtiden for at kaste en dom over en af årets mest ventede spiltitler - Quantum break fra finske Remedy.

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