For nylig kom YouTube-personligheden Jon "JonTron" Jafari i kraftig modvind ovenpå nogle racistiske og etnonationalistiske udtalelser, som "We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies.", og det er nu gået ud over én af JonTrons tidligere arbejdsopgaver, nemlig hans stemmeskuespillerolle i det kommende Yooka-Laylee.
Set i lyset af de nylige udtalelser har Playtonic leveret følgende udtalelse til GamesIndustry, hvor de afslører at de fjerner hans stemme med en opdatering:
"JonTron is a talented video presenter who we were initially, two years ago, happy to include as a voice contributor in our game. However, in light of his recent personal viewpoints we have made the decision to remove JonTron's inclusion in the game via a forthcoming content update.
"We would like to make absolutely clear that we do not endorse or support JonTron's personal viewpoints and that, as an external fan contributor, he does not represent Playtonic in any capacity. Playtonic is a studio that celebrates diversity in all forms and strives to make games that everyone can enjoy.
"As such, we deeply regret any implied association that could make players feel anything but 100% comfortable in our game worlds, or distract from the incredible goodwill and love shown by our fans and Kickstarter backers."