Immortals: Fenyx Rising

Immortals: Fenyx Rising-udviklere ønsker at skabe en serie

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Immortals: Fenyx Rising endte med, trods forsinkelser, at blive et ret stort hit for Ubisoft, men vi har endnu ikke hørt noget konkret om hvorvidt det er meningen at de skal bygge en ny serie derfra. Men noget tyder på at udviklerne hos Ubisoft Quebec i det mindste gerne vil.

Julien Galloudec snakkede for nylig om spillet med Nintendo Everything, og sagde her at de ønsker at lave en serie.

"The focus for a long time was making sure we can do something great with that opportunity to create something new, and obviously as a developer we all hope that it can be something bigger and it can become a franchise, but we're just starting to think recently about how can we expand that universe."

Lige nu fokuserer de på at ekspandere med DLC, hvoraf den tredje udvidelse ankommer lige her i morgen.

"Talking about the post-launch, we are right now working on the DLC and that was the beginning of 'Okay, now we can explore other gods, we can explore other mythology. We can expand that universe with new characters, new locations, new stories. So right now we're in the middle of that, making sure the game is great, making sure we have great DLC, and after that, everything in the end is up to the players, and we hope everyone will give it a try and will love it, and hope players will give us the opportunity to go further with the franchise, even if obviously it's what we hope for."

Immortals: Fenyx Rising

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