Diablo Immortal

Diablo Immortals kampagne er lige så lang som Diablo III's

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* Påkrævet felt

Selvom Diablo Immortal nok ikke er det Diablo-spil de fleste fans ser mest frem til, så blev vi faktisk utrolig positivt overraskede over spillet da vi prøvede det for noget tid siden. Og det lader ikke til at de har sparet på indholdet, for i et interview med WCCFTech fortæller Lead Designer Wyatt Cheng, at singleplayer-kampagnen er nogenlunde lige så lang som den man finder i Diablo III.

"A short answer is that we're looking for the campaign to be roughly on par with Diablo 3's campaign. I think you can also extrapolate a bit that the technical Alpha included the main quest line for five zones, there are three zones remaining. That will take you from 45 to 60. They're roughly equal in length for each zone, so if you've played everything in the technical Alpha, you can look forward to three more zones of content."

Ikke bare det, han blev også spurgt om mikrotransaktioner, og her slår han fast, at det mest belønnende må og skal være at spille spillet. Dog bekræfter han, tilsyneladende, at de strækker sig udover bare det kosmetiske.

"We do have optional in-game purchases that players can make. We have a couple of really important priorities when we think about how we approach free-to-play. One of the most important is gameplay comes first, so an in-game purchase should never be used to circumvent gameplay. The best way to progress and advance your character should always be by actually playing the game. What we want to do is structure our purchases, so that it feels like a bonus, and you feel good about it. I feel like as long as we're making sure that the free-to-play experience is great and that if I do choose to spend money, I felt like I was getting a bonus. As long as spending money doesn't bypass gameplay, then we're in pretty good shape."

Diablo Immortal

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Diablo Immortal

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