Star Citizen

Udvikler: "Det er stadig alt for tidligt at snakke udgivelsesdato på Squadron 42"

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Udviklingen af Star Citizen kører stadig derudaf, og sådan har det forholdt sig i mange år. Ambitionsniveauet bliver ved med at vokse, og ligeledes fosser pengene ind fra den loyale kundebase der investerer i nye rumskibe.

Men hvad med Squadron 42? Spillets episke singleplayer-kampagne har store talenter som Mark Hamill og Gary Oldman, og har haft et udgivelsesvindue i flere omgange, men sidst fik vi ikke ny lanceringsinformation. Og det lader da heller ikke til at denne del af spillet er klar lige foreløbig.

For nylig har CEO Chris Roberts skrevet et åbent brev til deres fans, hvor han slår fast selvom udviklingen skrider frem med "tremendous strides", så er det endnu alt for tidligt at tale om en udgivelsesdato på Squadron 42.

"The new Roadmap is not meant to give people an early estimate on when Squadron 42 will be completed. We made a conscious decision to only show the Squadron 42 work concurrently with the Star Citizen work over the Roadmap's four-quarter window. This is because it is too early to discuss release or finish dates on Squadron 42. As I said earlier this year, Squadron 42 will be done when it is done, and will not be released just to make a date, but instead only when all the technology and content is finished, the game is polished, and it plays great. I am not willing to compromise the development of a game I believe in with all my heart and soul, and I feel it would be a huge disservice to all the team members that have poured so much love and hard work into Squadron 42 if we rushed it out or cut corners to put it in the hands of everyone who is clamoring for it. Over the past few years, I've seen more than a few eagerly awaited titles release before they were bug free and fully polished. This holiday season is no exception. This is just another reminder to me of why I am so lucky to have such a supportive community, as well as a development model that is funded by people that care about the best game possible, and not about making their quarterly numbers or the big holiday shopping season."

Star Citizen

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