
Bioware: "Relanceringen af Anthem kommer til at tage lang tid"

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Anthem var en gigantisk fiasko for både EA og Bioware, og ligesom en række andre større Live Service-baserede fiaskoer har Bioware i sinde at prøve at bjerge den synkende skude med en relancering af spillet, der åbenbart er redesignet fra bunden af.

Men hvor lang tid skal vi vente på den relancering? Ja, det virker som om at det kommer til at tage lang tid. I et større blogindlæg, samt i en opfølgende forklaring på Reddit, fortæller Biowares Christian Dailey, at dette såkaldte "revamp" er en "longer process".

Faktisk, selvom holdet gik i en såkaldt "incubation period" sidste år, hvor de afprøvede ideer, så er de stadig i den fase.

"The Anthem incubation team has kicked off and we are starting to validate our design hypotheses. Incubation is a term we use internally. It means we are going back and experimenting/prototyping to improve on the areas where we believe we fell short and to leverage everything that you love currently about Anthem. We are a small team - about 30-ish, earning our way forward as we set out to hit our first major milestone goals. Spoiler - this is going to be a longer process. And yes, the team is small but the whole point of this is to take our time and go back to the drawing board. And a small team gives us the agility a larger one can't afford.

We want to include you as we go and be open and honest with where we are at and what the expectations are with where we are going. The reality is you will see things that look awesome but end up on the cutting room floor or things that you might think suck that you feel we are spending too much time on - but in the spirit of experimentation this is all OK. We really want to provide you all the transparency we can because of your passion and interest in Anthem. But, with that comes seeing how the sausage is made - which is not always pretty by the way."

Det lyder som om vi godt kan skyde en hvid pil efter en lancering i 2020.


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ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Magnus Laursen

Anthem udkommer i morgen, men Laursen har allerede brugt en uge i Bastion. Læs hans tanker om spillet her.

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