Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

CD Projekt RED indrømmer at Thronebreaker-salget har skuffet

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For nylig lancerede CD Projekt RED deres næste store projekt, nemlig Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, et isometrisk rollespil der primært benytter sig af mekanikker lånt fra Gwent, men hvor du samtidig oplever en gigantisk, ambitiøs ny historie fra Witcher-universet. Dog blev spillet lanceret eksklusivt på GOG, og det indrømmer firmaet nu har skadet spillets salgstal.

For nylig afholdte firmaets chef, Adam Kiciński, et investormøde, hvor han indrømmer at eksklusiviteten har skadet salget.

"Unfortunately, as yet, these expectations have not been fulfilled. Still, we remain optimistic ... We expect to continue to sell Thronebreaker for many years to come, even though the initial period may not have lived up to our initial expectations."

"The game appeared on GOG first for fairly straightforward reasons. GOG is our priority platform and we wanted to release the game there first to gamers who support us there. However, the reach of GOG is incomparably smaller than that of Steam. We know that there's a large Witcher fan community on Steam and that's why we also released the game there."

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales ankommer på PlayStation 4 og Xbox One d. 4 december.

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

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