Detective Pikachu

Instruktør forklarer hvorfor Ash Ketchum ikke er med i Detective Pikachu-filmen

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I løbet af de seneste par uger er der for alvor blevet rykket på på den kommende filmatisering af Detective Pikachu til Nintendo 3DS. Som bekendt er det selveste Ryan Reynolds der ligger stemme til den ikoniske Pókemon Pikachu, men filmen indeholder slet ikke seriens anden ikoniske hovedperson - Ash Ketchum.

I et interview med IGN fortæller instruktør Robert Letterman at det skyldes at der allerede findes masser af materiale med Ash som hovedperson.

"The Pokemon Company, they've already made many, many movies of Ash, and they came to Legendary with this idea of using a new character. So when I came onboard, I was pitched this character of Detective Pikachu, and I fell in love with the story behind it.

"It's a really great story. It was something with a lot of heart, and it was just very unique. And because there's already been so much work done with Ash, for the first live-action movie I thought it was a really good idea to try something new with a new character, but bake it into the universe of Pokemon. So it still follows all the rules, and we get to see a lot of our favorite things."

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Detective Pikachu

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