Need for Speed Payback

Payback-udvikler omkring mikrotransaktioner: De er nødvendige

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Vi har efterhånden indset, at mikrotransaktioner er kommet for at blive i nye spil vi betaler fuldpris for, men implementeringen af Loot Boxes er stadig en for stor kamel at sluge for mange.

Marcus Nilsson, der er Executive Producer hos Ghost Games, har i et interview udtalt sig omkring mikrotransaktioner, og hvorfor de er nødvendige i store spiltitler:

"It's clear prices haven't really gone up. That's clear. I also know that producing games is more expensive than it has ever been. The game universe is changing in front of us now. We see more people playing fewer games for longer. Engagement is important. But how do we deliver longer experiences?

The bottom line is that it's very hard to find this golden path that's liked by everyone. We make games that are $60 and some might think that it's worth $40. What's the value in the package delivered? Something like GTA 5 and GTA Online versus The Last of Us, which you can play through in 10 hours. How do we value that? That's probably a long discussion."

Ifølge Nilsson har prisen for et spil længe været den samme, samtidigt med at omkostningerne for at producere spil i høj grad er steget markant, og udviklerens kommende spil, Need for Speed Payback, vil ligeledes have mikrotransaktioner i form af kort samt Loot Boxe:

"When you finish a race you get a card drop. There are three cards and you pick one of them and that's randomized and you can equip that to the car, send it to garage, sell it for cash or recycle it.

There are also shipments in the game that the core of the economy. In a shipment you can have in-game cash, vanity items and part tokens, (which are a way to go for a specific part you want.) There are also premium shipments you can buy. The only difference are the vanity items. They are mostly time savers."

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Need for Speed Payback

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