Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Knights of the Old Republic-rygterne er falske

Abonner på vores nyhedsbrev her!

* Påkrævet felt

Tidligere på ugen kunne vi berette, at Bioware var igang med et nyt Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic-spil. Det er i hvert fald hvis man skulle tro Liam Robertson, der efter sigende havde interne kontakter, der havde delt oplysningerne med ham.

Kotakus Jason Schreier kan nu lægge de rygter i jorden, for åbenbart er der tale om gamle rygter. BioWare Austin har åbenbart tidligere leget med ideen om at lave et nyt Knights of the Old Republic, men er efterfølgende gået videre til andre projekter.

Jason skrev til Robertson for en kommentar, og han havde dette at skrive:

"Going to hold my hands up here - I think I just misheard some of the Austin stuff when I was talking on Skype, so I may have misspoke there. There's also the element that I had no notes in front of me and just sort of rambled on from memory. I did not expect these few select statements to blow up (oops). I'm used to having the opportunity to just release follow-up notices on the Patreon with any updates and corrections. My bad there.

Let me clarify that I don't think KOTOR's a current project. From the same people I learned about Dylan from, I did hear that they prototyped a KOTOR revival at Austin a while back. I believe it may have evolved into something else since then or fizzled out since then. I'm still confident Austin is doing something Star Wars related though and I'm confident in that. I actually did know that they were contributing towards Dylan since I originally found out about it when I was researching Austin's Shadow Realms, so if I said exclusively, then that was admittedly a mistake."

Dermed ikke sagt, at vi aldrig får et nyt Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, men hvis vi gør, så vil der højst sandsynligt gå flere år endnu.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

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