Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Rygte: Bioware arbejder på nyt Knights of the Old Republic

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Det har været rygtet et stykke tid, men vi står stadig uden konkrete annonceringer. Nu er Liam Robertson, en insider i industrien, ude og puste nyt liv i rygterne.

Robertson delte sine tanker på sit podcast:

"I've learned now that [BioWare Austin is] pretty much now exclusively working on Star Wars games and they're going to be doing that for the indefinite future. What they're currently working on right now—and I have this on good authority—is a sort of remake/revival of Knights of the Old Republic. I don't know when this is set to come out, but it has been in development for a little while now.

I don't really know how that game will end up. I've heard that it isn't exactly a remake anymore, but it started as a remake/revival. Now it's kind of going from that blueprint in sort of its own original thing. I guess we'll see what that turns out to be, but they are prototyping it right now."

Dette er stadig blot rygter, men det virker slet ikke usandsynligt, at Bioware mener, at tiden er inde til et nyt Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

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