
Naughty Dog, Id og Guerrilla vælger deres yndlingsspil fra 2016

Abonner på vores nyhedsbrev her!

* Påkrævet felt

Gamingåret 2016 er slut, og derfor plejer de fleste, deriblandt Gamereactor, at tage stik at det forgangne år, og udvælge de spil der betød mest.

Blandt disse er dog også spilskabere, og i en ny artikel hos Game Informer fortæller en række ikoniske skabere hvilke spil der betød mest for dem i 2016.

Neil Druckmann har valgt The Last Guardian:
"Another beautiful tale of a bond created through interaction by Team Ico/genDESIGN. Trico is a masterclass in creating a believable, living creature. By the end of the journey I was wiping away tears - the first time that has ever happened to me in a video game."

Produceren bag The Elder Scrolls Online thinks har valgt Firewatch:
"Best story I've experienced in a game in a long time, and presented in a really immersive, novel fashion. Anyone who wants to be (or already is!) a game or narrative designer should play this game, dissect, and study it closely."

Street Fighter-kongen Yoshinori Ono fra Capcom har valgt Overwatch:
"This is one of the competitive titles that I like to play as much as Street Fighter. This title had a lot to teach me as it perfectly blends competitive play, sports, and cooperation."

Tim Willits fra Id Software vælger også Overwatch:
"Overwatch was simply fun, is the best explanation of this great game. Overwatch is the most refined and polished multiplayer shooter in years. The characters, world, and backstory are surprisingly engaging and interesting which is very rare for a multiplayer only game. I have played more Overwatch this year than any other game."


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