Overwatch 2

I Overwatch 2 skal du spille over 100 kampe for at få adgang til alle helte

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Overwatch 2 lander i næste uge, og hvis du regner med at kunne hoppe direkte ind i spillet og give dig i kast med en specifik helt, eller et specifikt set-up, ja så kan du godt tro om igen.

En ny "First-Time User Experience" skal sikre at alle prøver meget af indholdet af før det hele åbner sig op. Det betyder at du skal spille omkring 100 kampe, der kan vare mellem 15 og 20 minutter, for at låse op for de ældre helte. Du kan heller ikke gå ind i Competitive Mode før du har spillet 50 Quick Play-kampe.

"We want FTUE to welcome players more gradually to Overwatch 2, as we've seen consistent feedback from new players feeling overwhelmed by numerous game modes and heroes. New players begin with access to a limited set of game modes, heroes, and some other restrictions to onboard them more gradually. The first phase of our new FTUE rapidly unlocks all the game modes and the ability to chat in-game, and the second phase unlocks all the original Overwatch heroes over the course of approximately 100 matches. This focused experience eases new players into the world of Overwatch by teaching them about different modes, rules, and other high-level aspects of the game in an approachable way. Most FTUE restrictions are lifted while in a group, so new players can team up with their friends at any time to play almost any game modes. Competitive is the exception to this rule because new players must complete a specific challenge to access this game mode.

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