Final Fantasy XVI

Final Fantasy-producer indrømmer at kampsystemet ikke vil tilfredsstille alle

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Final Fantasy XVI ankommer i løbet af 2023, og selvom at vi er vant til at høre på hype-folk sælge spillet lang tid inden en eventuel lancering, så er det ret tydeligt at producer Naoki Yoshida er ret anderledes. Tidligere har han slået fast at serien har kæmpet med at følge med branchens tendenser, og nu har han flere realistiske kommentarer til overs.

I et interview med japanske Comic Days slår han fast, at det er umuligt at designe et kampsystem som tilfredsstiller alle, og derfor vil nogle blive skuffede over det:

"We want the world, especially the younger generation, to play the game. Also, the mainstream games nowadays are intuitive games where you press a button and the character shoots a gun or wields a sword, and the traditional RPG style of turn-based command fighting is no longer familiar to them. It is also a fact that people are becoming less familiar with the old-fashioned style of RPGs, where you fight by selecting turn commands. That's why the battles in Final Fantasy 16 are very action-based. We want to make people all over the world think that Final Fantasy is a great game. Of course, I don't think we'll be able to satisfy everyone's demands, so I've told everyone on the team that the first thing we need to do is to make something we think is fun, and make sure it reaches the people who like it."

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Final Fantasy XVI

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