Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 får endelig opdatering 1.2

Den nye opdatering byder på den første af de lovede redesign af diverse baner.

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Ikke bare har DICE lovet at tilføje masser af nyt indhold til Battlefield 2042, men de har også lovet at fikse nogle af de problemer mange har haft med det indhold de allerede har lavet. Ét af de centrale ankepunkter har været banedesign, hvor kritikken er gået på at man bruger for lang tid på at løbe hen til der hvor det hele sker.

DICE lovede for mange måneder siden at de løbende ville tilbyde redesigns af de her baner, og nu kommer den første redesignede bane via opdatering 1.2, som er live nu. De er startet med Kaleidoscope, som de har redesignet så der er flere steder at søge dække, bedre "flow" og meget mere.

Den næste bane der får en overhaling er "Renewal", men det er først i næste opdatering. Du kan se hele listen herunder:

Content & Improvements
Kaleidoscope - Map Improvement
Earlier this year we had an open discussion with you on map design via our Core Feedback - Maps initiative. Through your feedback, we identified several focus areas for our launch maps where our quality standards could be improved through Cover, Intensity, Line of Sight, Pathing and Traversal changes. As a result, we have been reworking our launch maps to ensure their gameplay is updated to these revised standards of quality.
Reworking maps takes time, and Kaleidoscope is the first map for which we have completed this rework. You can play the improved version in this game update.

What's changed?
We have revised the playspace to add more cover, creating new flag positions, and improved the flow across the whole map.
Cover has been added not only with the placement of new assets, but also in the raising of terrain to help break sightlines and let infantry move more purposefully around the map. Most importantly, these new assets bring more tactical destruction which help to ensure that the map evolves throughout the duration of each round, and provide both Attackers and Defenders with new options when playing in key areas.
We have also introduced new areas onto the map, by adding a Forward Operating Base into the park, with a second command post added close to the Tower. The Data Center has similarly received multiple passes from the teams to help ensure that there are more cover points, and new war torn looks to certain areas that help make the map more faithful to 2042's setting.
We hope you will enjoy the new gameplay on this map, and we are looking forward to your feedback on how this updated version plays once you have tried it out.
As a reminder, Renewal is the next map we are reworking. That work is still ongoing, and the revised version will be available for play during Season 2.

Specialists - Style and Tone Updates
In this update, we are revising our art direction to ensure Specialists meet your Style and Tone expectations for our world of 2042. You will notice updated Specialist character models to better reflect the intense situations they have experienced.

Player Profile
Another area of feedback we have heard from you is being able to view your in-game performance and stats. This feature will be in your hands in Update 1.2 through the introduction of the Player Profile.

Your Profile shows your current in-game progress and your performance stats since launch. View information such as your current Rank, XP required towards the next Rank and the associated unlocks, your top Masteries and the unlocks you are next closest to completing.
While on the Statistics screen, you can check out information such as your K/D Ratio, kills, deaths, assists, revives, accuracy, shots fired and much more.
We are excited for you to discover how you have been performing once the Player Profile is in your hands. And of course, we are looking forward to seeing those impressive K/D ratio screenshots coming our way.

Battlefield 2042

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ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Kieran Harris

Spillet mangler godt nok en singleplayer-kampagne, men de tre online modes leverer en fed Battlefield-oplevelse alligevel.

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