Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite lukkes allerede helt i januar måned

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Udvikleren Niantic har haft gigantisk succes med Pokémon Go, og den succes mente de sagtens de kunne kopiere med Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, et spil som bruger nogenlunde samme tilgang, og ligeledes lægger det sig op af en stor licens.

Men spillet har slet ikke fået samme succes. Faktisk er det gået så skudt, at her bare cirka to år efter lanceringen af spillet, så bliver det lukket helt ned. Via et blogindlæg har Niantic bekræftet, at de har i sinde at lukke de digitale butikker d. 6 december, og dermed bliver spillet lukket helt d. 31 januar.

"When we launched Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, our vision was to allow players to experience the wizarding world right in their real-world surroundings as they stepped outside and explored their neighborhoods. Over the years, millions of witches and wizards around the globe have embarked on real-world adventures, coming together to keep magic hidden safe within the wizarding world while joining forces to take on The Unforgivable. During this time, players have also worked alongside Hermione and Harry as part of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force to unravel the mystery behind the disappearance of the London Five and are now on the verge of putting an end to the Calamity."

Naturligvis er det ærgerligt, men Niantic er ikke ligefrem et studie der lever fra lønseddel til lønseddel, vel?

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

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