Hvorimod Nightingale fra diverse Bioware-veteraner lader til at være nogenlunde populært, så er der mange der har haft hårde ord til overs for spillet grundet både en ringe brugerflade og påtvungen multiplayer.
Men studiet forsikrer nu om at de arbejder på sagen. I en ny video har de redesignet deres road map, så der kommer kritiske opdateringer først, men måske vigtigst af alt så slår udvikleren fast, at de lige nu ikke er tilfredse med spillet tilstand:
"We've been spending a lot of our time reading your impressions online, going through Discord, watching your streams and building our plans for the next phase of the game. Now that being said, there are some things we are not happy with about the game. Whether it's network disconnects, some missing quality-of-life improvements that we want to get done, or other things in the game that are missing or not quite where we want them to be, we're working hard to address those things right now and to make sure that you get the best playable experience possible."
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