Naughty Dogs Christophe Balestra var på scenen under sonys Paris Games Week-pressekonference, for at fortælle om multiplayer-delen i det kommende Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Naughty Dog har været igennem en meget iterativ process, hvad angår spillets multiplayer-design, hvor mange forskellige idéer har været prøvet af.
Ovre på den officielle PlayStation-blog er lead game designer Robert Cogburn kommet med detaljer om de "unikke systemer", der vil blie en del af Uncharted 4's online-del:
"- Sidekicks: When you are in a pinch you can call in your friendly Sidekick to help you. These are unique, AI-controlled characters that come equipped with special abilities that can help turn the tide of a battle.
- Mysticals: These are super natural abilities from the Uncharted series that give a player unique powers - see if you can recognise what Mystical abilities we are showing off in the trailer.
- Last, you will be able to leverage the grappling hook in a number of locations in our multiplayer maps - we have also heavily leveraged this exciting mechanic for our melee. Yes, you will be able to land on people and take them out - would you expect less?"
Uncharted 4 multiplayer-betaen åbnes for dem, der har investeret i Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection d. 4 december, og vil køre frem til d. 13 i samme måned. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End er sat til at udkomme eksklusivt på Playstation 4 d. 18 marts næste år.