Mighty No. 9 er blevet forsinket endnu en gang. Via en officiel udmelding på spillets hjemmeside:
"Unfortunately, we have an announcement that will be very disappointing to all of you. In preparation for the February release of Mighty No. 9 we have been working hard with our partners to resolve any network issues and porting work necessary to publish Mighty No. 9 on the various platforms. However, the issues relating to the network modes were more critical than expected, and it has become apparent that we will need to delay the game from its February 9th release date. We have been working up until the very last moment to resolve these issues in order to make the February release, but it has become clear that we no longer have enough time to fix the issues and have everything prepared for release."
Vi har endnu ikke modtaget en ny udgivelsesdato, men Inafune siger, at vi godt kan forvente spillet "i løbet af foråret".
Grunden til forsinkelsen er åbenbart multiplayer, og specifikt de pointtavler og matchmaking.