
Mehdi: Microsoft står godt over for konkurrenterne

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Det er måske nok at forvente at Microsofts egen vice-præsident kun har positivt at sige om gigantens næste konsol, men derfor har han nu alligevel en god pointe eller to i hans seneste udtalelser om spilmarkedet:

"First, I do think it's an incredible time for gamers. One of the things that has never happened is we go head-to-head with a competitor on a console launch. I think that's going to bring a lot of energy to the overall gaming market and a lot of focus and attention, and I think that's going to further grow the market. So I think in general it's a good time to be a gamer. We feel good about our business within that."

Samtidigt mener Mehdi også at man har en fordel i forhold til konkurrenten PlayStation 4:

"Competitively speaking, so far, I feel like we have a much better... more complete value prop. We do things that aren't found on other platforms with the Kinect, a huge piece of differentiation. As I said before, the fact that we do entertainment and gaming."

"And then even if you just take gamers, hardcore gamers, gamers buy for the game. They don't buy for stats on a spec sheet. And if you look at the games we have, according to most industry experts now, a better lineup of games."

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Mehdi: Microsoft står godt over for konkurrenterne

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