I forbindelse med Fun & Serious festival, fik vi os en snak med Airship Syndicates CEO, Joe 'Mad' Madureira, om alle de projekter, som studiet arbejder på. Da vi spurgte ind til, hvordan det var at arbejde på en Darksiders titel igen, svarede Madureira:
"It was really fun like coming back into it especially, having the opportunity to introduce Strife into the series, I mean he does make an appearance in the third one a little bit, but actually playing and controlling Strife was pretty fun.
We were pretty concerned going into that we were changing the look and feel of the game from the core series, but at the same time, we weren't making a product that was appealing to the original series, it was more just an offshoot and a different experience, it was multiplayer co-op. You know, we injected a little humour into the story and just had fun with it.
We were a little nervous, but the players loved it I think. You know, there's plenty of people asking for more along those lines, of course, it's in the hands of THQ. But it was a lot of fun to dive back in and hopefully the series continues forward."
Du kan se resten af interviewet nedenfor.