Call of Duty: Ghosts

Ingen quick-scoping i Call of Duty: Ghosts?

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* Påkrævet felt

Et af årets mest ventede spil er utvivlsomt Call of Duty: Ghosts, men noget kunne tyde på at fans af multiplayer-delen, skal forvente at måtte omlægge deres tilgang til spillet en smule. Det tyder nemlig på at quick-scoping ikke længere bliver en mulighed eller i hvert fald laves om, hvis man skal tro på den nyeste udmelding fra Infinity Wards Mark Rubin:
Update/Clarification regarding Sniper Rifles:

One of the areas that is getting lot of love in Call of Duty: Ghosts is the Sniper Rifle. By creating the Marksman class we were able to focus the Sniper class on really powerful high-caliber weapon systems. We feel, and many of the pro players who have played would agree, that sniping has never been better.

The changes we've made, like dual render scopes and increased damage really make snipers a great competitive class to use. We've also done a lot with map design (sight lines and cover) to ensure that all classes are viably effective. Both short range and long range classes will be effective on the same maps.

However in re-envisioning sniper rifles some aspects, such as sway timing, have changed the way sniper rifles function and so traditional "quick-scoping" has been affected. Is it gone completely? Maybe. It certainly won't be viable in the way it previously was. Can't wait for you snipers out there to get your hands on these new sniper rifles and try them out for yourselves.

See you in game!

Call of Duty: Ghosts

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