Hi-Fi Rush

Hi-Fi Rush gik viralt internt hos Bethesda inden lanceringen

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For nylig afslørede Microsoft og udvikler Tango Gameworks lige pludselig, at spillet Hi-Fi Rush allerede var til salg, noget som kom bag på de fleste. Som vores anmeldelse blandt andet slår fast, så er der tale om lidt af en triumf, og noget skyldes at den overraskende strategi skyldes at Bethesdas egne ansatte følte det samme i månederne op til afsløringen.

I et interview med IGN afslører instruktør John Johanas, at de var usikre på hvordan en længere marketingscyklus ville se ud for spillet, men samtidig var der bare mange Bethesda-ansatte der blev helt vilde med det interne i ugerne og måneder op til lanceringen:

"If you're going to ask someone to purchase something in a shadow drop, you probably get a lot of skepticism, but the fact that Game Pass exists allows people to basically almost, what you would say is a demo theoretically. But it's not a demo, it's the full game. They can just play in and they can almost naturally talk about the game, talk to their friends, tell them how cool it is. That's what we were kind of hoping for because internally, we knew it was something special. That's how it actually built up within Bethesda...Some people had played it and they spoke about it to their other [colleagues]. They're like, 'Did you see that game that they're making there?' There's this weird sort of viral positivity to this just playing this game, and Game Pass just felt like an excellent opportunity to let something...lose that skepticism immediately by just playing it and people just talking about it."

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Hi-Fi Rush

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