THQ og Volition har været så flinke at dele lidt fakta fra Saints Row: The Third på spillets officielle webside. Her kan vi blandt andet læse at over to millioner er blevet ramt af død ved dildo, og... ja... læs selv.
- More than 2 million people have been bludgeoned to death by the Penetrator so far.
- 5.8 billion citizens of Steelport have met their demise while roaming around town. That's 19 times the population of the US, or 85% of the population of the world.
- Players have spent a cumulative 2 years in their birthday suits streaking the streets of Steelport and making old ladies scream.
- In Whored Mode, 44 million pimps, gimps, and prostitutes have been dispatched.
- 650 hot dog mascots have been overcooked to death by players using flamethrowers.