Godt nok har Sony det med at vente til aller sidste sekund med at afsløre den kommende måneds gratis spil med PlayStation Plus, men denne gang kender vi allerede det første af dem nu.
Den ikoniske spildesigner, David Jaffe, har nemlig afsløret via et indlæg på Playstation Blog, at hans nyeste spil, Drawn to Death, vil blive tilbudt gratis som en del af april måneds udvalg.
David Jaffe har tilføjet dette om valget:
"I wanted to find a way to invite all of you PS Plus members into this experience and give you a look at what really excites me about games these days. We've been working on Drawn To Death for nearly three years, and over time, it really has become this robust, highly competitive game — and we haven't even talked about a lot of the new features yet. Needless to say, I thought you could all help us build an unbelievable community for the game."
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