For nylig blev der markeret en vild milepæl for Hello Games' No Man's Sky, idet spillet langt om længe nåede en "Very Positive" rating på Steam - en rejse der startede helt tilbage ved lanceringen, hvor modtagelsen var en del mere negativ.
Det har Hello Games naturligvis fejret, i det det markerer at studiet virkelig har gennemført en 180 graders kovending for spillet - men det betyder ikke at de er færdige. Hello Games' Martin Griffiths siger dette:
"Growing up in a small, pretty rough town in South Wales, I was lucky to have amazing parents that taught me resilience and to try and try again if you initially fail: Shortly after the initial release of #NoMansSky I had a meeting with Sean in a pub in Guildford and everything he said on that lunch echoed with what I had been taught as a child. I'm thankful that synchronicity. Our tiny team at Hello Games have grafted and then grafted some more.. and although "very positive" might be just a few words, it means an awful lot, especially since we aren't even close to being finished yet. Thank you to all players who believed in us and those of you who continue to journey with us. x x x"
Naturligvis arbejder studiet også på Light No Fire, som vi håber at høre mere til snart.