Under Fun & Serious 2020 havde vi fornøjelsen af at snakke med Arkane Austins director Harvey Smith. I dette eksklusive Gamereactor interview, som du kan se nedenfor, kom vi ind på flere Arkane-relaterede emner, men mens studiet er i fremgang trods den globale pandemi, så er de ikke helt klart til at tale om deres nye spil endnu, så snakken faldt i høj grad på Dishonored fra 2012 og Dishonored 2 fra 2016:
"Well, at the end of the day, all I can see is the games as they exist in their final form, and the experiences I had with the teammates, and both of those things I'm just incredibly proud of", says Smith when asked about the feedback from fans, the things they might have done differently, and what he's more proud about.
"I have memories about standing on stage and announcing that Emily Kaldwin was going to be the main character in Dishonored 2, which was very powerful", he continues recalling E3 2015, "and so many people reacted positively to that. I do hear from people that love the second game more, or people that love the first game more... I think it just depends on what you are into, and taste and all that. Seeing an older Corvo in the second game was very cool I thought, having all of his powers and all of Emily's powers... But as far as what we'd do different, it's a very dangerous game to play because some of what is great about those games only happened because of some of the mistakes we made along the way, and of course, I regret any technical problems we had, but half of the time those were my fault because I pushed for more features or wasn't disciplined enough to cut things off earlier so that the tech guys didn't have time to polish things, but anytime the game runs bad on somebody's video card or whatever you feel bad about that, of course, but otherwise the games and the teams... I love both of those games, they're eight years of experience, from Dishonored, though the Daud DLC, to Dishonored 2 with Emily, through Death of the Outsider with Billie Lurk... It's all stuff I love".