Som en del af Fun & Serious 2020 festival, havde vi muligheden for at snakke med Arkane Austins director, Harvey Smith. Her snakkede vi om studiets brug af vejr til at gøre deres spil levende. Her er hvad Smith svarede:
"We draw from all of the things that are sort of primarily powerful, what if I could push somebody over a ledge with wind. And our artists put a lot of effort into, in Karnaca and Dunwall different times of day and different skies and things like that. But, it feels like a dynamic weather system and how it influences the ecology, whether the area is wet or dry, or whether fire spreads. There are so many areas where you could start exploring, if you wanted to make a game and you wanted to go deep in that area - especially weather over the passage of time or vast amounts of time.
It just feels like there is so much left to explore in games. We're not even close to fully mapping all of the things that would be fun to play with."
DU kan se interviewet nedenfor.