Halo Wars

Halo Wars: Historic Battles

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Historic Battles er navnet på den første rigtige udvidelse til Halo Wars. Der er tale om fire nye baner, der er tilpasset 1 mod 1, 2 mod 2 og 3 mod 3 kampe - og så er der endda 100 nye Achievement-points at jagte. Historic Battles kommer til at koste 800 Microsoft points og den lanceres d. 21. juli.

De fire nye Achievements

• Tour Coming Through: Hot drop 50 squads to your Covenant Leader in a single game on Memorial Basin (30 points)
• Never Leave a Man Behind: Finish a game with 5000 net resources contributed to your teammates on Memorial Basin (15 points)
• Drain Cleaner: Kill 20 enemy squads with a continuous Covenant Leader Power on Memorial Basin (30 points)
• Killjoy: Disrupt 5 active Leader Powers in a single game on Blood River (25 points)

Halo WarsHalo Wars
Barrens (1v1 Map): Difficult terrain channels units into killing zones. The side that controls the Forerunner artifacts will have the advantage.
Halo WarsHalo Wars
Blood River (1v1 Map): Secure base locations on nearby cliffs overlook this naturally red-tinged river. The soldiers that fought over its two narrow crossings gave the river its name, which has since taken on a greater meaning.
Halo WarsHalo Wars
Memorial Basin (2v2 Map): The high ground in the middle offers good cover for infantry, while the generally open terrain transforms organized battle plans into bloodbaths.
Halo WarsHalo Wars
Glacial Ravine (3v3 Map): A snow-topped mountain range forms a natural barrier that cuts this region in half. Control of the two energy walls at the narrow central pass often determines the outcome of the battle, though clever use of the Sentinel Factories may play a role as well.

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Halo Wars

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Jesper Nielsen

Jesper Nielsen har endnu engang taget turen ud i Halo-universet og har kommanderet rundt med både UNSC og The Covenant I Ensemble Studios sidste spil. Læs dommen lige her...

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